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Welcome Retailers!

New Retailers

At Birch Bites, we prioritize good service over bureaucracy. When you partner with us, you’re personally helped by a member of our sales team to ensure your transaction goes as smoothly as possible.  

 For wholesale retailers, Birch Bites are available in cases of ten bags each, with options for 1-ounce and 3.5-ounce bags. Cases can be shipped statewide, and there’s no per-order limit on wholesale orders. Alternatively, retailers within 30 miles of Birch Bites HQ can have their orders dropped off by a member of our staff.  

Returning Retailers 

Returning retailers can use their Birch Bites account login to access our wholesale portal. From there, retailers can view and manage their orders, contact a Birch Bites sales representative, and purchase additional cases of Birch Bites Freeze-Dried Dog Treats.  

Shipping Notice:  

 Once a new order is placed, retailers can expect their cases to be delivered within seven to ten business days.   

Become a Birch Bites Retail Partner

All we need to get started is a little information, including your name, organization, contact email, and tax exemption information. Fill out the attached form and we’ll be in contact within seven business days.  

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